Saturday 25 March 2017


Am decked out for most of the day today.

It totally caught me by surprise. I should have known. But the thing is that it is not even that time of spring, or at least I thought it not to be the case. Month of March is supposedly still winter time, for goodness sake!

Anyway, I wasn't thinking straight, or shall I say I haven't given it much thought when I set off biking to work yesterday morning. The air was cool, it felt so good to start off my day. Biking home felt quite different though. I was feeling nauseous by the time I came home. My eyes were burning, my throat was dry and I was having a freaking headache. Still didn't think much of it - thought I was just simply tired after a hectic day at work.

By the time I finished prepping up dinner, my whole body was a bit shaken. I need to lie down and get a nap, I thought. I must have slept for a while when I heard some movements outside our bedroom. My hubby had arrived from work so I thought I'd get up to prepare for dinner. Funnily, as I will my whole body to sit up, I couldn't move all the way up. I was as if the bed was pulling me back down. I thought maybe I should take a couple of minutes nap still before dinner. When I finally woke, it was 5.30 am. I slept through the night without dinner!

I knew my morning would be hell! My muscles felt heavy. My eyes hurt and felt like burning. I have a runny nose. And the headache was a lot even worse. As I described all this to my half-asleep husband, he went on and said: "Could be your pollen allergy." As soon as he said that, I knew exactly what I should do. Clarityn. Paracetamol. Vitamin C drink. And then went back to bed.

By lunch time, I felt a lot better. Still drowsy, but so much better.

Sometimes, we really ought to expect the unexpected and be prepared to combat whatever has stricken us to get back on our feet. This pollen attack surely caught me by surprise. But then, I will be far more prepared and well-equipped to battle this attacks head on.

Bring it on, pollen!


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